Serving Southeastern WI and Northern IL


The Big Dog Rescue in Hartford, WI

As our Production Assistant, Nick Holzbauer, was headed back to the office from a job site he noticed a large dog standing in the middle of a road with no human insight. This particular road’s speed limit is 55 miles per hour and could be very easy for a dog to get hit.  Concerned for the dog’s well-being, Nick naturally pulled over and coaxed the dog towards him to see if his collar could help provide any useful information on as to where he came from. However, there was no information on the dog’s collar. Knowing that leaving the dog alone on the road was not an option, Nick put the dog into the work truck and began driving around door to door until he found the dog's owners. They were extremely thankful to Nick for returning their dog safely and explained that their dog is getting older and has been wandering more than normal.  Having happily returned the dog to its rightful home safe and sound Nick returned back to work! 
